How much does Props2 cost?

Props2 gives you complete control over your spending. If you decide to utilize rated posts to help you gain visibility, you set your own monthly budget at whatever amount works for you.

How will it help my business?

Props2 is all about providing local businesses with much deserved visibility. We incentivize local Nashvillians to frequently visit, and post about your business. By highlighting your business through your existing customers, you can reach new clientele in a very easy way. Props2 also gives you a way to give back to your community with donations to charity. We highlight all these amounts so the entire community can see how much you’re giving back!

Who chooses the charities?

Props2 has partnered with a variety of local nonprofits in the Nashville community. When users sign up, they are given the option to choose up to two of these charities. As a business, you’ll have the opportunity to donate to the charities that your customers support!

Is there any long term commitment or contract for signing up for the app?

Props2 does not lock you into any long-term contracts or commitments. You decide how much money to add into your wallet, and when funds run out, you decide if you would like to put more in.

How does the rating system work?

Whenever a user tags you in a post, that post will automatically be redirected to your feed. Depending on how well that post represents you as a business, you can rate it on a scale of 1-5 stars. If the post is poor quality you can give it 1-2 stars and no money will go out. Anything rated 3 stars or above will initiate a monetary pay-out.

For exceptional posts that you want everyone to see, you can give a post a hat-tip. By hat-tipping a post, you are giving that user a very special thanks!

Is the portion of my contribution that goes to charity tax deductible?

All of your contributions to charities are tax-deductible. Tax receipts will be provided to you by the non-profits you donate to at the end of the tax year.

Is Props2 free for community members?

Yes! Not only that, you have the opportunity to make money for you and the charity of your choice just by posting about Props2 affiliated businesses.

What is a CIS (Community Impact Score)?

Your CIS (Community Impact Score) shows how engaged you are in your community and takes into account your followers, average number of Props, amount of followers in your home community, average star rating, and how active you are on Props2. The higher your CIS, the more money you make with each qualifying post.

When can I redeem my money?

You can request cash back in the wallet icon on your profile page. You will only be able to redeem the money once you have reached $10.

Can I tag multiple businesses in one post?

At this time, you can only tag one business in each post. However, we encourage you to post multiple times and tag a different business in each post.

I can’t tag the business I want?

Either the business is not partnered with Props2 or the business has reached their monthly budget.

Can I upload a picture from my camera roll?

As of now, you can only post pictures taken through the app!

How long do I have to wait for my post to be rated?

Businesses have a 48 hour window to rate your post. If the business does not rate the post within 48 hours, the post will automatically get a 4 star rating.

Can I use Props2 on my desktop?

Community members can only use Props2 on their mobile device at this time.

Can I pick a different charity to donate to?

You can select up to 2 charities from our list of partnered non-profits.

Can my posts be rated if I have a private account?

Yes! Businesses will still be able to rate your post. If you tag a business on your post, that post will still be publicly visible even if your account is private. However, only your followers will be able to see the posts in which a business is not tagged.

If I had a bad experience, can I post something negative?

We do not censor bad/negative reviews. We encourage you to use Props2 as a way to reach out to that business and tell them what went wrong. Props2 is a place for positivity!

Do I have to tag a business in every post?

No! We encourage you to post whatever you want on Props2. It’s meant to be used like any other social media platform.

Can I donate all of the money from my posts to charity?

At this time, users do not have an option to opt out of personal pay-outs. We encourage you to make private donations, however!

How will I know a business is partnered with Props2?

Props2 will list the business that we work with on both our website and the app itself. Go check it out!

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